Dr. Unai Díaz-Orueta, Ph.D., received his doctorate in psychology from the University of Deusto, Spain in 2006. Since 2000, he has worked as a clinical psychologist in a variety of settings, including the Crownsville Hospital Center, Crownsville, Maryland (EE.UU., 2000-2001), Hospital Psiquiátrico de Bermeo, (Spain, 2001-2002), La Loma Geriatric Residence, Castro-Urdiales (Spain, 2003-2005), and Zutitu Ltd (2005-2006). With a grant from the Oriol-Urquijo University-Foundation, he developed his doctoral dissertation, “Effects of psychological intervention in cognitive decline of residentialized elderly people,” published by UMI Dissertation Publishing, Ann Arbor, MI (USA). Additionally, his experience includes teaching courses and workshops in the maintenance of cognitive functions, wellbeing, and laugh-therapy for elderly people at IPACE Ltd, Vitoria (Spain, 2007-2008). From 2008-2012, he worked as a research psychologist at Fundación INGEMA, in several projects related to aging and physical disability. From May 2012 to December 2015, he worked first as a researcher at the R+D+i Department and then as R+D+I Director of Nesplora S.L. (Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain), and since May 2014, as a Collaborator Professor for the Neuropsychology and Education Master’s Degree of the UNIR -International University of La Rioja (Spain). Since February 2016 to January 2018, he worked as Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellow (Research Fellow) in Dublin City University (Dublin, Ireland) on the EC funded project “E-SPACE: European Standardised Process Approach to Cognitive Evaluation in older people”. Since February 2019, he works as a Lecturer in Neuropsychology in the Department of Psychology of Maynooth University, Maynooth (Ireland).

Prof. Teresa Burke, the E-SPACE project supervisor, has recently taken up the position of Professor of Psychology at the School of Nursing and Human Sciences (SNHS), DCU, having previously worked in the School of Psychology, University College Dublin where she taught clinical neuropsychology and behavioural neuroscience at both undergraduate and graduate level. Prof. Burke has a 25–year history of world-class teaching and research in the area of clinical neuropsychology, she is a widely published expert in the field (>40 peer-reviewed publications; >700 citations) and she is widely credited with having made a significant contribution to the development of neuropsychology in Ireland. She has successfully supervised >20 doctoral theses and currently supervises 4 Ph.D students). Her primary research interests are neurological disorders and associated neurocognitive problems and construct validity and psychometric properties of neuropsychological assessment tools. 

Dr. Alberto Blanco-Campal, Ph.D., is currently Senior Clinical Psychologist/ Neuropsychologist with the Psychiatry of the Older Adult in St. Brigid's Hospital, Ardee, Co. Louth (Ireland). He specialises in the neuropsychology of neuropsychiatric conditions, traumatic brain injury, dementia and ageing. He provides neuropsychology services for the Navan Memory Clinic (Psychiatry for the Older Person Services) and the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital (Dublin). He is an Associate Lecturer in Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology in University College Dublin (UCD) and collaborates actively on Neuropsychology research projects with the Department of Psychology at UCD and the School of Nursing and Human Sciences at Dublin City University. His current research interests include the adaptation of traditional cognitive tests, using the methodology of the qualitative process approach to neuropsychological evaluation, for the early detection of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia.